Today’s dentures are impressively lifelike and realistic, but they still leave a lot to be desired in terms of how they feel and function. Luckily, there’s a way to replace a full row of teeth with a solution that feels natural and doesn’t slip, and that’s by securing your denture onto dental implants. At Dent-Care Dental, we proudly offer implant dentures in Sunnyside, NY to help you reliably rebuild your whole smile. Reach out to our team today to get started!
Regular dentures often don’t quite feel natural since they simply rest on top of the gums. Implant dentures, by contrast, are built exactly like real teeth. A full row of prosthetic teeth is anchored onto a number of dental implants – titanium posts that act as replacement tooth roots. Depending on your individual needs, we may recommend one of the following:
Four to six implants are usually enough to support a full denture that remains in place at all times. Only a trained implant dentist in Sunnyside can remove your prosthetic, so you can brush and floss as you did before any of your teeth were lost.
Your implant denture can also be designed so that you can remove it at any point, which may be suitable if you’d rather stick to a routine of taking out your denture for daily cleaning. Since removable implant dentures typically only require two to five posts for support, they may be more ideal if you’ve lost bone density in your jaw.
After a consultation with Dr. Volker or Dr. Chung , you’ll be referred to a trusted local specialist for your dental implant placement surgery. This way, you can be sure your procedure is performed by a true expert. Over the next four to six months, your jawbone will grow around the implant posts, creating a foundation that can stand the test of time. Once this process, called osseointegration, is complete, you’ll return to our office so that we can secure your custom-made denture on top of your dental implants in Sunnyside. With our in-house dental lab, it’s quick and easy to make any final adjustments to your prosthetic if need be.
If you’re missing an entire arch of teeth (or you will be soon), then you might be a good candidate for an implant denture. To qualify for dental implants, you’ll generally need to:
Even if you don’t meet these criteria initially, we can likely help you get there. For instance, we can arrange for you to receive a bone graft if jawbone loss has weakened your jaw to the point where it cannot support implants. As long as you’re interested in implant dentures, it never hurts to schedule a consultation with us!
Implant dentures offer a number of unique benefits that traditional dentures simply cannot. They include:
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