Tooth loss has a variety of consequences, like negative emotional feelings, declining nutritional health, and generally impacting your quality of life by making it difficult to complete basic tasks, like chewing and speaking. At Dent-Care Dental Center, we offer several different styles of dentures to accommodate our patients’ tooth replacement needs. Whether you’re missing several or all of your teeth along an arch, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us so we can discuss your options to obtain a fully functional and complete smile.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Volker will examine your mouth to make sure that you don’t have any lingering oral health problems and to determine whether dentures in Sunnyside, NY are a good restorative treatment for you. If so, we’ll walk you through all of your denture options, depending on your unique tooth loss situation.
Partial dentures are constructed from a gum-colored acrylic and metal base that houses lifelike, ceramic replacement teeth. It’s designed to fit like a missing puzzle piece between your existing teeth, using them as support to hold your prosthetic in place. It’s removable and easy to clean, and can help you get the most nutritious value from your meals by making chewing your food easier than before.
Full dentures are similar in design to partials, except the base is strategically crafted to utilize natural suction and denture adhesive to stay securely in place in your mouth. They’re made from a gum-colored acrylic base and ceramic replacement teeth as well, and they’re also removable.
For our patients who want to complete their smile using a more lifelike treatment, we typically recommend implant dentures. We’ll anchor your full or partial denture to dental implants that are surgically placed below your gums to restore the missing root structure of your tooth, allowing them to function and feel just like home-grown teeth.
Tooth loss is no laughing matter, regardless of when or how it occurs. It can leave you struggling to do tasks – eating, speaking, smiling - that you'd normally take for granted. Still, dentures would let you overcome the problem at hand. They’d restore your full grin and enhance your quality of life. As for the specifics, we at Dent-Care Dental can explain. Read on to learn the key benefits of dentures, or call our office for the relevant details.
Aside from ruining your grin, tooth loss can also ruin your mood. Knowing you have sizable smile gaps often leads to anxiety and fear. From there, it wouldn’t take much to fall into sadness or clinical depression.
That said, getting dentures would keep your mood stable. These restorations “fill” your smile’s gaps and raise your confidence as a result. That way, you can feel more self-assured in social situations. Things like your looks, how you eat, and how you speak wouldn’t have to worry.
However you try, speaking well without teeth is impossible. Your tongue needs their support to enunciate words correctly. Otherwise, you’ll likely develop speech impediments. The most common ones tend to be lisps and slurred words.
Of course, dentures would rescue you from this situation. Their artificial teeth can support your tongue as well as natural ones, so they’ll let you enunciate words more clearly. All you’d need to do is adjust to the prosthetics first. By doing so, you could practice speaking with dentures.
Lacking a full smile usually leads to a poor diet. After all, losing teeth means you can’t chew food very well. You may have to give up healthy but tough foods to compensate. Should that happen, you’ll face a high risk of malnutrition and indigestion.
Dentures offer a way out of this nutrition dilemma. By using their artificial teeth, you can chew all sorts of foods. The result would be an expansion of your dietary choices and better nutritional health.
When you lose permanent teeth, it isn’t just your smile’s looks that suffer. The health of your remaining teeth and gums face a decline as well. As your “smile gaps” go untreated, they let harmful bacteria build up and cause tooth decay and gum disease. These spaces can also tilt your other teeth until they fall out.
Still, dentures help you avoid such outcomes. They’d reduce the spread of bad bacteria by “filling in” the smile gaps. At the same time, they’d keep your other teeth from tilting.
As you likely know, a pretty smile is vital to a good first impression. Displaying your white and shiny grin will prompt peers to think well of you. This goodwill would then lead to opportunities – deeper friendships, amazing dates, high-paying work, etc.
It so happens that dentures both restore and beautify your smile. When you wear them, your grin looks full and stunning. In other words, the prosthetics could give you great opportunities. The relationships you’d form with their help can lead to many positive life changes.
True, effective dentures can restore your smile to working order. They’ll even enhance your grin’s overall appearance! Despite these facts, though, you'd be wise to practice good oral care. Dentures need maintenance and a healthy mouth to function well. Otherwise, they only cause long-term oral issues that lower your quality of life. Luckily, Dent-Care Dental Center knows helpful tips on caring for dentures. To find out about them, just keep reading or book a consultation !
For starters, remember to remove and rinse your dentures after meals. This crucial habit prevents the buildup of food debris and plaque. As a result, it lowers your odds of nasty oral health problems.
That said, not just any denture rinse will do. You’ll need to avoid using hot water for this post-meal care. As it happens, high temperatures can (and often do) denture material. A hot water rinse could thus cause your dentures to fit improperly.
Besides the after-meal rinses, dentures also require daily cleaning. The latter process gets rid of harmful germs clinging to your prosthetics.
Dentures are easy to clean once you’ve taken them out of your mouth. All it takes is a soft-bristled toothbrush and some hand or dish soap. However, don’t use standard toothpaste – its abrasiveness can damage dentures.
If there’s time, follow up the brushing by soaking your dentures in a cleansing solution. You can then rinse them off before putting them back in your mouth.
Though made to be durable, dentures aren’t invincible. They inevitably suffer damage when handled poorly. Given this fact, you should take steps to protect them.
There are a few safety measures you might take. For example, you could use a towel during your daily denture cleanings. (The cloth could protect your restorations from falls.) Storing your dentures away from kids or pets is another good option. After all, those groups could break your new teeth with roughhousing.
As lifelike as they might be, you shouldn’t wear dentures when you sleep. Keeping them in your mouth overnight causes various problems. So, place the restorations in a soaking solution before going to bed.
Truthfully, constant denture use is bad for your health. It tends to restrict gum circulation, leading to soft-tissue irritation. The habit also elevates oral plaque levels and puts you at risk of pneumonia.
Last but not least, keep a lookout for changes in your dentures and mouth. Such things can interfere with your restorations’ quality. Should you find any, visit your local dental practice to have them quickly addressed.
For instance, try to see a dentist if your dentures break or don’t fit well. They’ll have the resources to either refit the prosthetics or replace them. On the other hand, trying to fix things yourself could cause further damage to your dentures.
While dentures may sound nice, perhaps their price worries you. Fair enough – these prosthetics can’t help if they exceed your budget. That said, the cost of dentures actually varies by patient; you’ll need to consult our dentists for an estimate. Still, this fact doesn’t mean treatment will “break the bank.” We at Dent-Care Dental strive to make dentures affordable. To that end, our team will explain their cost factors and various helpful payment options. Just keep reading to learn more!
At the consult visit, our dentists mainly focus on whether dentures would help your oral health. However, they also assess the factors relevant to your procedure’s cost. These things include:
Of course, the cheapest dentures aren’t ideal. Those sorts use inferior acrylic for their bases and teeth. Therefore, remember to choose high-quality sorts!
At least at first, implant dentures are more expensive than regular ones. Fortunately, these restorations are worth the higher price.
For starters, remember: implant dentures use dental implants – prosthetic teeth that fuse with your jaw. As such, they’re a permanent and secure part of your mouth; they don’t slip or fall out. You can trust them to look and act like natural teeth.
Perhaps more importantly, implant dentures are a great investment. Their implants can last 15-30 years and thus last longer than other restorations. Consequently, an implant denture will save money by needing fewer repair or replacement visits.
Luckily, most dental insurance plans cover dentures. They do, after all, count as major dental procedures. Many policies even consider them “medically necessary,” matching 50% of their cost.
Exceptions, though, do exist. Your own insurance may have limited denture coverage. So, confirm your benefits before treatment. Our office can even help you do so if necessary.
Even without insurance, dentures can be affordable. It’s just a matter of finding the right payment options. From there, the prosthetic teeth don’t have to “break the bank.”
For example, look at our own Dent-Care Dental. We offer flexible financing via CareCredit – a reputable third-party financier. Through them, you could pay for dentures in low-interest monthly installments. Your new teeth would then be (financially) within reach.
If you’d like to learn more about dentures’ cost, we’ll happily explain. Just book a consultation with our office and see us!
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