Just about everyone occasionally wishes that their smile was a little bit whiter. There are all kinds of things you can do about that—cut out coffee, brush often, etc.—but for some people, even that may not be enough.
In fact, some people may feel like their smile won’t get whiter no matter what they do. As it turns out, a lot of that may come down to genetics. Here’s a little bit more information about the genetic reasons your teeth could be yellow, and what you can do about it.
How Can Genetics Impact Your Teeth’s Color?
Genetics plays a massively important role in the natural shape and color of your teeth. Some people’s enamel is just yellower than others, while some may have a grey or greenish hue to their teeth.
However, even outside of this normal variance, there are some genetic conditions that can cause your teeth’s enamel to be discolored. Dentinogenesis imperfecta is one example, which causes people to have thin, brittle, grayish enamel. Amelogenesis imperfecta is similar, instead causing yellow-brown discoloration.
Treating Natural Discoloration
If your teeth are genetically discolored, you probably won’t have much luck with over-the-counter whitening toothpaste. Odds are that you’ll need to get professional teeth whitening, which is administered by a dentist and is much more powerful than what you can find in stores.
If you really appreciate the convenience of over-the-counter treatments, your dentist can also provide you with take-home whitening kits that can give you the same incredible results as in-office treatments.
Dealing with Genetic Disorders
If you have one of the genetic disorders that leads to brittle, discolored enamel, teeth whitening will not be enough. You may need to opt for a restoration or cosmetic treatment that can cover your teeth up.
Depending on the integrity of your teeth, dental crowns, direct bonding, and veneers can all cover up discoloration and, in some cases provide your teeth with a little bit more durability than they had before.
In either case, you don’t have to be stuck with the color of your natural enamel. Your dentist will be happy to get you the perfectly white smile you’ve always wanted!
About the Author
At DentCare Dental Center, we know that life is busy. That’s why we work as hard as we do to ensure that taking care of your teeth is as simple and stress-free as possible. We have a dental team made up of experts who will make use of the latest in dental technology so that, no matter what problem you’re facing, we can be prepared to help you. That means a lot less time driving all over town looking for specialists, and a lot more time getting the dental care you deserve.
If you have any questions about tooth discoloration, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (718) 937-6750.